C2C Exploration (Brazil) to Create 4000 New Mining Jobs in Minas Gerais During

30 серпня 2013, 06:09
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4000 permanent new semi-permanent jobs to be created by C2C Exploration mining, in Minas Gerais, (Brazil) as of 2013 as the C2C prepares to drill at the company's Sao Bento mine.

Sep. 18, 2012 - Mr Chris Jarvis CEO at C2C Exploration this Morning Announced at A board Meeting Held in Brasilia, That the company Expects to create as many as 4,000 new jobs in the state of Minas Gerais, where the company's Sao Bento gold mine is located .

This Latest News Comes Only weeks after the company Announced That full scale Production on the Site is to begin in October.   Mr Javis Went on to Say That Due to the company's Community Obligations C2C Will attempt to Recruit where Possible from within the local area, and will be offering training and safety courses to successful candidates.

Move this for C2C signals the Beginning of A period of rapid expansion, in company Size, Productivity and Investment.   Mr Jarvis commented "We are Supremely confident in this project, and We're keen to begin.   This is however the, A Long Term project and We Will be Adhering to the defined Strategies ".   The company at this time is preparing   Training courses, with the first Wave Due to begin on Monday 23rd September 2012.   C2C INTEND to Ensure That Accidents rates are as Low as Possible, and All That staff are sufficiently experienced to conduct their respective roles.

On Friday of Last Week four hundred Representatives from Various Other Mining companies, and   staffing Agencies,   Attended an Open Day Held at the Offices project in Belo Horizonte; keen to supply the required workforce.

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ТЕГИ: C2C Exploration Brazil,C2C Mining company,São Bento project,Chris Jarvis,c2cexploration.com
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