22 грудня 2012, 15:27
Власник сторінки

International organizations for the protection of the environment

1. Межгосударственный экологический совет СНГInter State Council on Ecology

 2.  Международный союз охраны природы и природних ресурсов (МСОП) – создан ЮНЕСКО International Union for Nature ConservationIUCN

 3. Международный союз охраны природы и природных ресурсов  International Union for Conservation of Nature Resources

 4. Программа Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде –ЮНЕП   The United Nations Environment Programme-UNEP

 5. Программа Организации Объединенных Наций по развитию – проон United Nations Development Program – UNDP  

 6. Гринпис Greenpeace International

7. Всемирный центр мониторинга природы World Conservation Monitoring Center – WCMC 

 8. Глобальная информационная база данных о ресурсах – ГРИД–ЮНЕП Global Resource Information Database GRID-UNEP

 9. Глобальная система мониторинга окружающей среды Global Environment Monitoring SystemCEMS

 10. Европейское бюро по окружающей среде – ЕБОС European Environment Bureau – EEB

 11. Комитет по окружающей среде и развитию межпарламентского союза Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development Inter-Parliamentary Union

Ladies and Gentlemen!

 APPLY TO YOU MAKES TA hopelessness and indifference of the authorities of Ukraine to the issues of environmental protection, in particular the unique nature of the Southern coast of Crimea (Ukraine).

The entire coast along the sea enclosing a solid fence, without master plan and general plan of building ANY COAST AND ANY DOCUMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION ON ILLEGAL LAND ISOLATED officials to beaches, parks and nature reserves, near to the monument, where PROHIBITED BY LAW ANY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, grow high-rise apartment complex, which UZAKANIVAYUTSYA the fact.

 LOOK FOR ONLY A FEW LEFT PHOTO - These are a few examples of the many!

IS barbaric destruction of the Southern Coast, parks, seaside - unique nature - continues EVERY DAY! Painful to realize that our children and grandchildren LONGER UDIDYAT UNIQUE forbidden Crimea!

 With such a policy soon COAST BUILDING turned to a continuous concentration camps with luxury complex behind high fences and ZYKRYTYMI passage to the coast.

A typical example - our fight for seaside park in Yalta, which already does not exist. Seaside park turns into a prime residential housing stocks. Despite the opening of prosecutor's offices CRIMEA CRIMINAL case on illegal allocation of land, finish building HOTEL COMPLEX «OPERA PRIMA» right on the beach in the park. OPPOSITE «OPERA PRIMA» right next monument to Chekhov without permission and DOCUMENTS RISE FLOORS next new apartment house "Lotus". And one can assume that next to «OPERA PRIMA» under the guise of emergency OF WORKS LTD "Elite Group" right on the beach are ready to begin construction of the hotel "Hilton" in the 23-floor, with a helipad. PROBABLY IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION construction mayhem.

 We live in one world and are closely related to each other a single planet called Earth!

 PLEASE render assistance and cooperation to all accessible to you IN THE NATURE SOHRANINIYA unique relic of the Southern Coast, conservation of coastal marine belt, parks and reserves from design conscious and barbaric destruction!

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