Abney Associates Executives Richard Hunter and Marcus Dawson to Join

16 вересня 2013, 07:36
Власник сторінки

Hong Kong based, Richard Hunter and Marcus Dawson will join the European Finance Association (EFA) 40th Annual Conference.

Richard Hunter, Director of Private Equity of Abney Associates , together with Marcus Dawson, Head of Principal Investments, Will Join the Forthcoming European Finance Association (EFA) 40th Annual Conference Which Will be Held at the Cambridge Judge Business School, UK, on August 28 -31, 2013.

Abney Associates are professionals in the Forefront of providing the right advice Comprehensive Financial and Investment Opportunities for seeking Their clients. Engaging in meaningful interaction among fellow finance experts in Europe and other regions helps the company expand its capability to help build successful enterprises.

EFA was founded in 1974 in collaboration with the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), with the aim of providing a professional society for academics and practitioners with an interest in financial management, financial theory and its application.

The EFA serves as a focal point of communication for its European and international members. It also provides a framework for better dissemination of information and exchange on a global scale. The Abney Associates Representatives to this Year's Annual Conference EFA Look Forward to A Fruitful, High-quality Encounter with the rest of the Participants.

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ТЕГИ: marcus dawson,abney associates symposium hong kong,Richard Hunter,abneyassociates.com
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