New partnership between Star Gambling and Dublinbet casino

02 грудня 2020, 13:55
Власник сторінки
New partnership between Star Gambling and Dublinbet casino
Real More: Players rating, Dublinbet casino review, payment systems and bonuses.

Live casinos from the content provider for the iGaming industry are a new addition to the operator's online offering for the overseas market, which shows the latest trends and how online casinos work.

The material is for reference and informational, analytical in nature and does not have as the main purpose the promotion of goods and services on the market (in accordance with Part 2 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of 13.03.2006, No. 38-FZ "On Advertising", advertising is not ).

The Maltese operator previously received slots content from the provider through third-party integrations, but will now have direct access to the Star Gambling's unified API portfolio. This includes games like Roulette Azure, Blackjack Azure and the first game show of the supplier Mega Wheel.

    Yossi Barzeli, Business Development Director of Star Gambling, said: “Dublinbet is one of the largest operator brands in the iGaming market and we are more than happy to complete this direct integration. The ability to seamlessly offer multiple product lines using a single API has played an important role for us and allows us to quickly expand our partner offerings. ”

In turn, Jacqui Gatt, Director of Games at Dublinbet, noted that the move towards direct integration with Star Gambling was a natural step forward for Dublinbet and its brands.

    “Through a single API, we have access to Enhance's in-game advertising tools, which further enhances player engagement and retention,” he added.

We add that Star Gambling releases up to five new slots per month, and also delivers live casino and Bingo products through its multi-vertical offer.

Note, according to Federal Law No. 244-FZ of December 29, 2006, activities related to the organization and conduct of gambling on the Internet on the territory of the Russian Federation are allowed only to accept interactive bets at bookmakers and sweepstakes licensed by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
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