Custom software development: Intersog will provide a solution to any problem

17 грудня 2020, 17:19
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Intersog is one of the leading software development companies in Kiev, which has many years of experience in creating and implementing reliable solutions in the international IT services market.

Our staff consists of professionals who specialize in a wide variety of technologies, programming languages, practices and development methodologies, successfully applying them in the software development process. We provide our clients with services for creating custom software, developing web applications, mobile solutions for iOS and Android. We also provide business process automation.

At the same time, it is of great importance to attract competent architects and business analysts. High functional saturation, the need to use multi-tier architectures, requirements related to scalability and flexibility of solutions - it is important that the finished solution meets each of these criteria.

Our application architects and business analysts are not only highly qualified, but also rich in practical experience. This allows them to successfully solve almost any problem in terms of complexity.

Developing corporate IT solutions, Intersog ensures the absolute stability of this process, as well as the predictability of its results, including at any of the intermediate stages. Our company uses the best practices of standard processes, adapted to our conditions.

Intersog has at its disposal a fairly easy and at the same time stable, reliable, flexible software development process. It is based on RUP, which is exempt from unnecessary formality. The framework is complemented by a range of Agile Group practices that are selected and used in accordance with the specifics of the project and the structure of the project team. It is the ability to choose appropriate practices that makes the process flexible enough.

Intersog does more than create IT systems from scratch. So, if the development of a system or its individual components should involve migration from an outdated platform, our specialists will provide it. It is worth noting here that this process is considered particularly challenging, as migration will require the participation of platform-specific specialists. It is also important to maintain the compatibility of the system with the hardware used, to ensure a gradual transition to a new system. The entire migration process should be carefully designed to exclude the possibility of data loss, as well as to ensure the smooth and comfortable transition to the new system as possible.

Being intimately familiar with the migration process, our specialists are able to conduct it at a professional level, not only successfully solving emerging problems, but also preventing their occurrence.

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