Gambling business in modern Canada

28 січня 2021, 21:18
Власник сторінки
Gambling business in modern Canada
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As of 2016, the gambling business in Canada is developing quite successfully.

As already mentioned, there are 114 casinos, 12 horse tracks, 1 bookmaker's office and 8 bingo halls in the country.

Canadian casinos contain 1,776 tables for card games, 220 poker tables, 57,150 slot machines. Many casinos in Canada are in no way inferior to American establishments in Las Vegas and Atlantic City.

Most casinos operate in the province of Ontario. There are 32 gambling establishments, 666 card tables, 26022 slot machines and video poker rooms.
The most famous casinos in Canada
Gambling business in Canada, history, laws and features
Photo source: News of Gambling

The most famous and largest establishments in Canada are Casino Niagara and the Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort. They are located next to the same Niagara Falls in Ontario. The casinos offer their guests thousands of slot machines and hundreds of tables with card games.

The most famous Canadian horse racing and racino track is Woodstock Racetrack and Slots. It is also based in Ontario. More than a hundred slot machines are located in its hall.

In addition to Ontario, there are also provinces that are intensively developing their gambling business. This is Alberta and Nova Scotia. The first state can boast of being the city with the most casinos. The City of Edmonton has 9 casinos where guests can find over 200 card tables, 5,400 slots and video poker rooms.
Taxation of winnings in Canada

Canada also does not collect taxes on winnings, unless it is designated as a form of earnings. Earning from a winnings under Canadian law differs in three things:

    the presence of special skills;
    regularity of payments;
    waiting for subsequent payments.

That is, taxes may be levied on professional poker players, and should not be collected on those who play for their own pleasure.
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РОЗДІЛ: Lifestyle&Fashion
ТЕГИ: Канада,игры,компьютерные игры,Канада Торонто Онтарио Северная Америка город стра,азартные игры,Монреаль,Торонто,Ванкувер,All Star Game,вне игры,таможня Канада удобрения,Британская империя
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