Alexander Lukashenko: Last dictator or a partner?

22 вересня 2016, 22:28
Власник сторінки

Parliamentary elections were held in Belarus on 11 September. Despite the fact that for the first time in 20 years two opposition candidates have won seats in the Parliament of Belarus, the elections

Parliamentary elections were held in Belarus on 11 September. Despite the fact that for the first time in 20 years two opposition candidates have won seats in the Parliament of Belarus, the elections were not free and transparent just as ever.

Belarus is known as 'Europe's last dictatorship'. Obviously, elections in that country are nothing but a political farce. Everything goes exactly along with a pre-written script. And sorry, but no prizes for guessing who its author is. What a savagery for a civilized European country, isn't it?! But does the European Community exert enough forces to improve the situation and set Belarus on the path of righteousness, which is the democratic one?

From elections to elections the OSCE and PACE allege violations and criticize the electoral system in Belarus, but they do it so gently that as a result it brings zero impact. Here it is again... cautious criticism of Minsk can be heard only. "It was possible to do more" – Kent Harsted, the coordinator and leader of the short-term OSCE observer mission, said on special OSCE press conference in Minsk.

So is that all that those sticklers for democracy can say?! Such numbness looks especially striking because two days before the elections in Belarus the OSCE and PACE had received a letter containing an accurate list of future winners in Brest and Grodno regions.

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