has let children

16 грудня 2015, 06:12
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has let children

Ang Probinsyano, December 16,2015 16 12 2015 Full Episode Replay I want to caution many people this looks great but you would be very surprised to learn dcf and other programs pay for children to be removed from certain homes only to be placed away from parents or relatives. Please remember dcf/cps nationwide has let children die, lost thousands and have had many irresponsible people harm children. They continue to say they care about children then why aren't they safe and why is dcf getting sued by many children who went through the foster system? Just hope this story is not one of those cases. Dcf lies eggs borrows and steals many children. If you don't believe me read the stories of many different groups on facebook of horror stories about dcf.Thank you to this family. Years ago I was working with a group of 4H kids. One family had five foster children. After a few months, the mother asked me, very politely, if I was ever in foster care or adopted. Weird question, I realize, but the truth is I was a foster child. I guess it can show with the insecurities and a "keeping your distance" attitude that can develop. Very difficult to trust. I am hoping and praying for this family.This made me cry too, because my family became the forever homes of TWO biological sibling groups, and even though my father died suddenly while the adoptions were being finalized, the State of Tennessee added him posthumously to their adoption papers. Nothing says LOVE like becoming a forever family to a child who needs one!
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