obligation to welcome

16 грудня 2015, 06:14
Власник сторінки

obligation to welcome

Pangako Sayo December 16 2015 12 16 2015 Full Episode Replay I have adopted two amazing kids from birth and it has truly been the greatest blessing to my life. Both had unexpected medical issues arise and my daughter has a form of Left Hemi CP. We have a beautiful and very close relationship with both birth moms and their families. This didn't just happen, we worked at these relationships and I knew my kids would be benefit to know their birth moms. That's what being a true parent is, sacrifice. I had no legal obligation to welcome my kids birth moms into their lives, however as a mother, you choose what's best for your kids. Now my daughter's birth mom and her husband have adopted two brothers from foster care and my son has to half siblings. We are one ginormous family:) We all live in Texas so we make it a point to see each other and spend some weekends together whenever possible. I realize not all kids should be around their birth parent for abuse/neglect reasons. My situation is not without its emotions and sacrifice. Forging a relationship with the birth mother of your child is an emotional experience requiring your love as a mother to override your selfish desire to keep your kids just for you. I have no regrets and the love, admiration, respect, and gratitude I have for these two women who chose life and family for their child, is indescribable. They made the ultimate sacrifice they could to give their child a future they could not provide at that moment. It's my privilege to honor that amazing love and bravery and have them in our lives. Having kids, whether biologically or through adoption, always requires work and sacrifice. Fostering, adopting, or biologically becoming a parent is a blessing and no matter the avenue, parenting is NOT for the faint of heart!! You don't have children or foster or adopt because you want someone to love you, you do it because you have unending love to give
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