been so totally

16 грудня 2015, 06:22
Власник сторінки

been so totally

Ang Probinsyano, December 16,2015 16 12 2015 Full Episode Replay I wonder if these kids were stolen away from a loving family for funding for the county or state they came from, like so many children are in this country. I hope from the bottom of my heart these children were in need of a loving home and not removed from one unnecessarily in the first place.I was a foster child. I was never formally adopted by my parents but they are. They are my daughters grandparents, I have 2 bonus brothers because of it!!! This made my day If these children were truly without family, NOT JUST "FREED FOR ADOPTION" BY COURT DECREE FOR PURPOSES OF TITLE IV FEDERAL FUNDING, then this is truly a blessing for them. Being adopted myself, I'm always very thankful to my Aunt Pat(who was going to originally adopt me) & my Mom(R.I.P.) & my Dad. My life would've been so totally different if it wasn't for them. Of course I'm thankful to my family in the Philippines who also sacrificed their time in helping with the process.

However, if they had biological or step relatives willing and able to take them in as first resort MANDATED BY FEDERAL LAW, then these children have been seriously robbed.

Think about this. Research it. Spare the emotional rhetoric and the "God bless them" and look at the cold hard facts of law and statistics. What is this REALLY
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