washed out with soap

22 січня 2016, 06:51
Власник сторінки

washed out with soap

Pangako Sa'yo January 22 2016 22/01/2016 Replay Full Episode Replay Are you kidding me! Extreme Example of failed parenting right here. The mother is a joke. Hopefully now sterilised, she should not be able to have custody of children at all. This little foul-mouth-prick needs a good belting with a belt, grounded, his posessions taken away, and mouth washed out with soap. For a year at least! This is what is entering our society... if like this as an adolescent, just imagine him as an adult. If his attitude doesn't change I hope he spends his life behind bars, the destruction this little asshole could cause has me furious with anger as he has no respect, morals or values. Shame. Pmsl....not the sharpest tool in the shed is she for posting her address ph number and all personal details on social media...coz in her words its gonna go VIIIIIIIRAL  yes indeed it has and the world knows how rude and disgusting your kids mouth is..no guesses as to where he got his delightful demeanor from... mother of the year right there...not!!! No sympathy here..
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