Steelers looking to shore up leaky defense

26 серпня 2014, 11:45
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Steelers looking to shore up leaky defense

PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Brett Keisel's preseason work is usually done by now. The veteran Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end will likely see plenty of action Thursday nfl jerseys for sale night when the Steelers face Carolina in their annual meeting in the preseason finale. The 35-year-old needs the work after re-signing with the Steelers last week. So does the rest of the defense. ''Coach T (Mike Tomlin) was joking that i haven't played in a Carolina game since the early 2000s, so it'll be great to get wholesale jerseys from china back out there, '' Keisel said Monday. ''I'm glad he's going to play me, and I'm really looking forward to it. '' Keisel probably was a special-teams ace back in those early days against the Panthers. His wholesale jerseys from china only role this week will be to improve a defense that was badly torched by the Philadelphia Eagles in a 31-21 loss last Thursday. ''We can improve everywhere, '' said Keisel, who watched the debacle in Philadelphia from the sideline. ''There's a lot of work to be done, technique things to be worked out and mental assignments that need to be corrected. So, we're looking to respond and play better than we did last week and move forward. ''.
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