American Roulette Rules - Star Gambling Schemes

15 березня 2021, 12:05
Власник сторінки
American Roulette Rules - Star Gambling Schemes
As American Roulette go, free roulette is one of the easiest to learn.

Another popular type of "game queen" - American roulette, the rules of which imply two zeros on the table, cannot be called the most profitable for players.

But, despite this, it firmly sits in the TOP of the games of any online casino.
The course of playing American roulette for money

American roulette ruled the minds of players in the wild west. The 38 numbers on the field, among which there are two zeros, look very unusual and encourage everyone to make at least one or two bets who come close to it. As in European and French roulette, American roulette has two fields - external and internal. The similarity in the rules of the roulette game ends there. Let's take a look at the differences as well.

American Roulette: Star Gambling Rules, Schemes, Secrets

Internal rates (number on the diagram in brackets):

    A bet on one number will pay out if you win 35 to 1 (1);
    A bet on two numbers will bring in case of a win 17 to 1 (2);
    A bet on several selected numbers (on a straight) will pay out if you win 11 to 1 (3);
    A bet on four numbers (corner bet) will pay out if you win 8 to 1 (4);
    A bet on six numbers (double line) will pay out 5 to 1 (6).

Outside bets (number on the diagram in brackets):

    Column - the bet is placed at the bottom of the field with the inscription "2 to 1". It pays 2 to 1 (7);
    Dozen - a bet on 12 numbers. Located on the side in the fields labeled "1st 12", "2nd 12" or "3rd 12". That is, a bet on the first, second or third 12 numbers on the field. Pays 2 to 1 (8);
    Five numbers (0, 00, 1, 2, 3). The payout is 6 to one, and the bet must be placed on the line that connects these 5 numbers (5);
    Even - Odd pays 1 to 1. Bets are placed on the fields "Odd" or "Even" (10);
    Red or Black is paid also 1 to 1. Bets are placed in the field "Red" or "Black" (11);
    More - Less is paid in the same way, bets in the fields "1-18" and "19-36" (9).

Please note that the house edge over the real money online roulette players is 5.26%, which is worse than French or European. Despite this, American roulette, the rules of which have been greatly simplified, continues to be extremely popular in online casinos among gamblers.
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