Play mini roulette for free at Star Gambling

11 березня 2021, 19:56
Власник сторінки
Play mini roulette for free at Star Gambling
Play at Mini Roulette online at Star Gambling - awarded Best Online Casino.

Playing mini roulette online is the best solution for everyone who has not tried this version of roulette yet.

And there are several reasons for this:

    This is a very original game that you just need to get used to.
    This is a new game and cannot be found in classic real casinos.
    The maker of this free roulette (Star Gambling) is very popular and has a lot of great games in its portfolio.
    The system of bets and payouts does not coincide with the rules of classic roulettes and before you put real money on the table it will not hurt to study all this on candy wrappers

As mentioned above, this is a stripped-down version of the classic European roulette. Instead of 36 sectors, there are only 13 sectors in mini roulette. As for the amount of bets, the maximum amount of € 500 is sufficient for most players. The betting system is no different except that there are only 13 numbers. You have the option to place bets on numbers, group of numbers and sectors.

To place a bet, select the chips of the following denominations - 1, 5, 10 or 100 euros. Mini Roulette from Star Gambling also has several auto modes that will significantly improve the game of Mini Roulette itself.
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