The Haney Group Malaysia Attracts Singapore With Land

29 серпня 2013, 02:58
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The Haney Group advising investors Iskandar Malaysian Land Area growth is affirming Asian Recovery.

"The Market Research Team has for some time been observing this little known joint effort between Malaysia and Singapore. They are overcoming obstacles to create an area beneficial to both over a wide spectrum of their economies. We see this as further proof of the Asian recovery that is ongoing and we are advising investors towards opportunities there and across the region that have proven results, "Commented The Haney Group's Head of Principle Investment, Marcus Ferris.

UEM a Malaysian land holding company will market $ 1.3 billion of mixed living, business and industrial projects this year, seeking Singaporean buyers. Most of this activity will be centered in Nusajaya the city in this special area that is a part of the southern Malaysian state of Johor. Here condominium values ​​have increased 200% since 2009. The special area is the 222,600-hectare Iskandar Malaysia economic zone, setup by the Malaysian government to favor Singaporean interest with everything from seafront mansions to oil storage. Land starved people and companies from Singapore see this as very good thing with convenient travel connections in the works it will become more attractive in the future.

"The extraordinary development happing in the Iskandar zone is another indicator of the growth within the Asian markets, we are offering solid advice that now is the time to invest, being properly positioned within these markets will see the full measure of gains," said Marcus Ferris, Head of Principle Investment, at The Haney Group.

Malaysia is telling Singapore you are Manhattan, we are your New Jersey and we both will grow together. Real estate investment in Nusajaya is rising meaning investors are seeing trends they have confidence in. UEM's advantage lies in the connections developing and in place between the two Southeast Asian countries after their previous issues have been removed. Planned attractions include an F1 racing test track, large exhibition hall complex and a high-speed rail link by 2020 to Kuala Lumpur linking the two giant cities similar to London and Paris.

"The Haney Group is ideally positioned within Asia, opportunities are everywhere, our mission is to guide investors to confident footings for the solid returns expected," concluded Marcus Ferris, Head of Principle Investment, at The Haney Group.

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ТЕГИ: the haney group,,hong kong,press release,Marcus Ferris
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