Online video roulette by Star Gambling

23 грудня 2020, 20:55
Власник сторінки
Online video roulette by Star Gambling
See also: Free online roulette.

A modern casino or gaming club cannot be imagined without roulette. During its 200-year history, roulette has become the most popular gambling game in the world, the most interesting and dynamic.

The Roulette game, developed by the Star Gambling company, has long gained popularity among players, and slot machines with this game confidently compete with many slot machines. Today we are glad to present to your attention the so beloved Roulette in a new format - now online!

This game is a classic European roulette with one "zero". The design of the gaming table is as close as possible to a real mechanical roulette. There is everything here - both the field for bets, and the so-called "track", and the wheel on which the virtual ball will be thrown, and even the table of "cold" and "hot" cells, that is, those numbers that most rarely and most often dropped out. recently. The player is invited to use chips to place bets on the main game screen, as well as on the sector for oral bets. Players can read the names of different types of bets and explanations to them in the Rules. After that, the player starts the rotation of the roulette wheel, after the winning number drops out, the total number of credits that will be credited to the player is determined. The game provides a variety of betting options from bets with a small 2: 1 odds (Red-Black, Even-Odd, Small-Large) to bets with a maximum odds of 36: 1 (bet on a number).

Like all online games developed by Star Gambling, Roulette has been translated into 11 languages, which allows you to place bets in the world's most popular gambling game from anywhere in the world.

Jackpot "Wheel of Fortune"

A bonus for each player is the "Wheel of Fortune" super jackpot. There is only one thing to do to get a chance to spin the wheel: play! Each spin of the reels brings jp points to your piggy bank. The number of points awarded per spin depends on the current bet and the denomination of the game. And when you collect 2000 points, two wheels will appear on the screen. By spinning the first one, you can get extra points, duplicate or triple jp-points during the next games, or go to the big Wheel of Fortune. The main prize on it is the jackpot, the amount of which is shown on the screen.

You can play the roulette slot machine online for free without registration right on our website. And if you are thinking of playing this slot machine online for real money, then look for the burden of online roulette on the sites of online casinos!
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