Модели с пышными формами показали себя без ретуши

Корреспондент.net,  27 октября 2017, 17:40
Модели с пышными формами показали себя без ретуши
Фото: Instagram/ iskra
Модель Искра Лоуренс

На снимках фигурируют самые востребованные на сегодня манекенщицы plus-size.

Самые извесные и востребованные на модном поприще манекенщицы plus-size показали свои снимки без ретуши.

Свои фотографии, не подверженные редактуре в Photoshop, опубликовали Эшли Грэхэм, Фелисити Хейворд, Тесс Холлидей, Искра Лоуренс, Джордан Вудс и другие.

На счету каждой из этих манекенщиц сотрудничество с брендами, имеющими мировую известность. Однако их снимки, как правило, подвергаются ощутимой редактуре. Как девушки выглядят на самом деле - они показали своим Instagram-подписчикам. 

Эшли Грэхэм



Me👸🏻 #sorrynotsorry

Публикация от A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham)

Фелисити Хейворд




When they say "you're fat" & you're like "and?" 💁🏻🍑🙃🤔 #effyourbeautystandards

Публикация от Tess Holliday❣️ (@tessholliday)



Corn fed 🌽✌🏻

Публикация от Tess Holliday❣️ (@tessholliday)



Did you know it’s body confidence Day? Yup it’s a legit thing and something I’d love to see you be part of by using #perfectlyme (head over to @seventeen insta to watch my video explaining what it’s about) You’re all reading this because you’re on my page / following my lil space on here filled with squares of images and vids of my life. I ALWAYS want to you remember these are curated even though they are unretouched you can see the diff between the first two pics which are more “posed” and the last which Isn’t. I’d also love you to think about who and what you’re following online and whether you feel empowered or disempowered and really listen to that because you deserve to surround yourself irl and online with positivity. So have a look who you’re following and see if maybe you can follow more marginalised people who aren’t represented in the media and need their voices heard. Right so this is turning into me rambling on. But that’s just it, I’m not perfect I’ve said this for years and also it was the focus of my TED talk that the pursuit of perfection is only detrimental to your mental and physical health. How can there be a definition when everyone is different and that’s what is beautiful. So on body confidence day I want you to feel empowered by the fact you’re #perfectlyYOU and so is your bestie and grandma and fourth cousin twice removed. We are all here in these bodies which are our homes so let’s start celebrating that and valuing and appreciating them for all their magical capabilities and experiences that they allow us to have in this world. Ok ramble over ILYSM for reading this (if u read it all comment 💪 emoji lol)🙏🙏🙏💯💕🦄⭐️✨ #nomakeup #nophotoshop #yesimwearingasmallbikinibutnothatisntconsent

Публикация от i s k r a (@iskra)



Had to get away for the day @ojaivalleyinn 😽 #ojaivalleyinn

Публикация от HEIR JORDYN (@jordynwoods)

Ранее Корреспондент.net сообщал, что манекенщица plus-size Эшли Грэм снялась в нижнем белье.

ТЕГИ: фотомодельplus size
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