10 января 2013, 18:12
nightcat добавил комментарий к статье
Рыба спасла хозяйку от ограбления
Как не смешно, недавно написал слейдующую заметку на ФБ, только она относилась к Англии из которой молодеж все активней переезжает в развивающиеся экономики мира в поисках работы: Read another comment from Occupy Earth on gun control. Can't help but smile on their histerical tone of article, blaming everyone at being Zionists etc. but as always I remember a quote by one Russian author, whose books I do like. One of his chracters said: "When people are armed and know how to use arms, one can not just rule them, one has to learn to govern them..." Even living in UK, I often can't help but to feel the urge of reaching out for a weapon and paying a visit to the head offices of some organisation (namely banks and the parlament), as like many others I feel that I'm being increasingly ruled and that people in these places are far "more equal then others". I do like living in England, I made great friends and I've learned a fair bit while here. But some how british politicians do remind me of Ukrainian president, that had a gold plated lu installed in his new mansion when the rest of the country was suffering from crisis. And somehow, I feel that I will be better off by moving to another country, where me and others will feel the government not the "rullers", where the banks will have the same rights as me when they break their side of contracts, where the exchequer shall not give the banks extra 70 billions just so the bankers could bolster their bonuses, where the local councils are not getting millions of profits from charging people for parking near their own home(isn't road tax enough) and many other things that we see going wrong in UK now. I do not believe in guns as I do not believe that there are enough that can trully respect the weapon in their hand and the damage it can do. But nevetherless every time i see people going on about gun controls my mind keeps on wandering off to the quote above. Are we really getting to the point that normal people have to start "puting a gun" the "rulling classes