Панадий Александр добавил комментарий к статье
Наблюдатели ОБСЕ рапортуют об обстрелах Украины с территории РФ459
However, on the other side, there are organized places where they receive weapons, ammunition and equipment and are dispatched <span class="censored">[censored]</span> their assigned areas on the Ukrainian side. Upon return, they hand over weapons, ammunition and other military equipment and cross back i <span class="censored">[censored]</span> the <span class="censored">[censored]</span> ssian Federation. In the <span class="censored">[censored]</span> se of Gukovo, there is even a firing range <span class="censored">[censored]</span> <span class="censored">[censored]</span> libre the newly-received weapons before continuing <span class="censored">[censored]</span> the frontlines. As described in previous reports, on a daily basis OTs hear <span class="censored">[censored]</span> ch range-like shootings on U